How's this for Christian music?
"Breathing in a New Mentality"
Track 1, Lost in the Sound of Separation
You tell anybody anything and I will carve my initials in your brain dish. I'll bash your skull into a vegematic like a bad cabbage, and I'll have a party on your head. - Angela to Jerry in "The Good Samaritan"
Most of the leaves are fallen and this place looks bombed all over again. Last February the ice storm of the century passed through the Arkansas delta into north Mississippi and lower Tennessee up to Nashville. Eleven at night, I was out in the front yard waiting for it, led by a special alarm, even horror, in the voice of the television weather-caster. Like a Jeremiah just miles ahead of the storm and pointing backwards down the road, raving. The edge of the storm came on in feather-light little BB's, then began to drive and pile. The glass on the west of the house went pecking as if attacked by a gale of birds. Under the streetlights the swirls of white-silver turned almost opaque. It was a determined blizzard. A Southerner doesn't see such driving ice more than twice in a lifetime. But at one I went to bed pleasantly aroused, rich as a caveman with the weather outside.