Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Back in 'Kato

Not having internet access at my apartment blows.  Occasionally, I'm able to piggy-back on someone else's signal, though it's weak and very slow.  I think that piggy-backing on another signal is illegal.  If that's the case--if some sort of agent monitors these sites--my name is Dr. Richard Kimble.  I live in Chicago.  Come get me.

I just got back from a fishing trip up north with my Aunt Debbie and Uncle Tom, my cousin Mark and his son Zack, my Dad and his other family.  We spent each day fishing, eating, swimming, drinking, listening to music, and sleeping.  It rocked, for the most part.  Our cabin and vehicles were plagued by mayflies, swarms of a biblical magnitude.  The wind whipped so much that we were unable to go out on the choppy water three of the seven days we stayed at Leech Lake.  When we did go fishing on the boat, we didn't catch anything worth keeping.  But I haven't seen Debbie, Mark, or Zack in thirteen years, so it was great seeing them.  We've decided to make this an annual family fishing trip.  The proposed locations for next year are South Dakota or Montana.  

My Uncle Tom drove the fam through both of these states on their way to Minnesota, and they stopped at the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Park where a monument stands, displaying the name of my Great-Great Grandpa's Cousin, Dr. James Madison DeWolf.  He was an Army surgeon serving under General Custer and the first person killed at the battle of Little Bighorn.  Instructed to scout out a safe area to set up medical tents, Dr. DeWolf and his assistants crept too far into Lakato territory.  Each member of the party was shot trying to retreat.  They were unarmed.  Because of this incident, the Army mandated all medical personnel to carry side-arms. 

Tom also ventured into Deadwood.  This South Dakota mining town is most famous for being the place where Wild Bill Hickok was shot dead while playing poker.  Tom took pictures of the chair in which Wild Bill was shot, as well as the table set up with wax models of the men involved in the shooting at Nuttal and Mann's Saloon.  Tom tried to get Wild Bill's cards in the picture--aces and eights, known as the dead man's hand--but was unsuccessful.  Little Bighorn National Park and Deadwood are two places I've been wanting to go for some time, so I'm jealous they got to go.

Here are some pictures from the Leech Lake:

Sunset on the Lake
Uncle Tom
Cousin Mark
E'erbody but Mark


Anonymous said...

I think Uncle Tom looks a lot like Adam Carolla. It was weird seeing Zack cause he was a baby last time I saw him, but he was sweet (except he knew absolutely nothing about baseball!) Aunt Debbie always rocks. Dad and Val got absolutely rocked off of wine last night, and Israel couldn't wait till everyone left cause he felt completely awkward. You missed an interesting night!


DeWolf said...

Zack looks like Grandma Marge; Uncle Tom looks like Dwight Yoakam.

Bryan said...

That's one helluva a picture of the lake, Dan.

I can almost hear Fredo saying a Hail Mary, then a single gunshot, then there's Michael Corleone in his house, looking down.

Big Perm said...

If you go to Montana next year, you could read A River Runs Through It while you fly fish. Lucky.