Sunday, July 20, 2008

On Salad

Here’s the problem with buying all the fixin’s for salad: you use the lettuce for sandwiches and slice the tomatoes for burgers.  The cucumbers and Bacos get smashed in your cheap-ass version of a Winston Special—one of the greatest bagel creations ever made, though you’re not able to make them right.  Ranch dressing is reserved for the buffalo chicken Anytizer’s, and you only realize you don’t have any steak or hamburger meat after you've sautéed the entire package of mushrooms.  By the time you’re eating croutons straight from the bag for lunch, you figure it’s time to go grocery shopping.  It’s after you get home from Cub and you’re putting all the new food (including more salad toppings) away that you find a small bag of shredded carrots, dried out and no longer good, sitting in the crisper drawer.  Fuck you, Salad.


Luke said...

I have that problem with a lot of meals. I end up spending like 30 dollars on ingredients, and they either get like one use, or I use them for something else.

Big Perm said...

The problem with salad is that it only tastes good if someone else makes it for you.