Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Messing with"The Kid"

Remember Danielle's post last year about that guy who emailed a picture of a spider to the utility company in order to settle a debt? If not, click here.

Apparently, he's at it again. The Sun posted two series of exchanges he had with his landlord (about pets in the apartment) and another with his Gym (about membership renewal).

The exchange with his landlord is in reference to a letter he received stating that his neighbors issued complaints about him having dogs in his apartment. Here's a taste:

The noise which my neighbours possibly mistook for a dog in the apartment is just the looping tape I have of dogs barking which I play at high volume while I am at work to deter potential burglars from breaking in and stealing my Tupperware. I need it to keep food fresh.

Once I ate leftover Chinese that had been kept in an unsealed container and I experienced complete awareness. The next night I tried eating it again but only experienced chest pains and diarrhea.

Regards, David.

Read both exchanges in their entireties here.

1 comment:

Big Perm said...

I sort of love him.