Sunday, November 21, 2010

Putting a lid on it...kinda

So it's been over a week since I've last updated this blog, and there are plenty reasons why I haven't posted anything new in that time, but I feel that listing all of it would make me a hypocrite. The reason: I'm getting increasingly annoyed with some of the writers and artists on Facebook who constantly update their statuses by letting everyone know how much work they've gotten done. I'm not talking about the occasional update or the updates about upcoming shows and readings; I'm talking about those who are dead set on reminding their virtual friends a dozen times a day that they are, in fact, hardworking artists.

Maybe they provide updates on their progress--not their process--as a way to stay on track, Facebook acting as some sort of support system. Maybe I'm on Facebook too much. The problem I have with the incessant writerly updates is that it seems to border on being obnoxious. "In case you may have forgotten--and since it's been almost half an hour since my last update--I am a writer!" For some reason, it seems like an inappropriate medium for delivering such messages. I mean, isn't that what blogs are for?

Maybe I'm blowing it out of proportion, and maybe I didn't need to engage the "hide" function for those few offenders, but they really got to me, and I needed to blow off some steam. Which brings me to my next order of business: I apologize for the rant. Hopefully I can keep that to a minimum now that I've setup a new blog dedicated to ranting about one of my (many) arch nemeses. TV commercials.

You can find the blog here: Your Commercial Blows Goats

I needed a forum, separate from the personal blog, where I could let loose on the hacks that interrupt my TV stories. This way, if you want to read my blog but don't want to hear me bitch, you can still pay me a visit here. And if you do want to hear me rant, check out the new site. The choice is yours; I'm not forcing it down your throats the way Facebook sometimes can.

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